'one step beyond' als begriff ließ assoziationen-trainierte denkapparate kapriolen schlagen; losgelöst von referenzen blieb nur der ach so wichtige schritt in die richtige (musik-)richtung.

Dienstag, 29. September 2009

playlist vom 28.09.09

1. windmill - tokyo moon
(album: puddle city racing lights; groenland)

2. windmill - ellen save our energy
(album: epcot starfields; groenland)
3. the black atlantic - to give up the summit
(album: reverence for fallen trees; beep! beep! back up the truck)

4. windsor for the derby - the melody of a fallen tree
(album: we fight til death; secretely canadian)
5. peasant - all the times
(album: fear not, distant lover; self-released)

6. joensuu 1685 - (you shine) brighter than light
(album: s/t; bone voyage)
7. cut city - anticipation
(album: exit decades; gold standard laboratories)
8. uniform motion - citizen grave
(album: pictures; fabric rnd)

9. joensuu 1685 - perfect grace
(album: s/t; bone voyage)

windmill und the black atlantic: october 2, nato
cut city: october 9, ilses erika
uniform motion: november 7, ilses erika

presented by wing stop booking

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